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Hooded eyes can be caused by several factors:

1. Genetics: Hooded eyes often have a genetic component. If one or both parents have hooded eyes, there is an increased likelihood of developing this trait.

2. Age: As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity and firmness, leading to sagging and the appearance of excess skin on the eyelids. Additionally, age-related changes in eyebrow position can contribute to hooded eyes or make existing hooded eyes more prominent.

3. Medical or Iatrogenic Causes:
– Improperly administered anti-wrinkle injections: Incorrectly placed injections can lower the eyebrow position, giving the impression of hooded eyes.
– Medical conditions: In rare cases, conditions such as ptosis (a drooping eyelid) can mimic hooded eyes and may require medical evaluation by a doctor.

These factors contribute to the development or appearance of hooded eyes, affecting both appearance and sometimes functional aspects like makeup application.


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